New Delhi: Commercial vehicle maker Ashok Leyland on Monday said it has bagged orders worth Rs 800 crore from the Indian Army. The contracts awarded also include the procurement of the Field Artillery Tractor (FAT 4x4) and the Gun Towing Vehicle (GTV 6x6), Ashok Leyland said in a statement.
"We have secured these orders from the Indian Army. The Defence business has been a strong pillar of growth for us, and this win further establishes our leadership in Defence mobility vehicles business," said Shenu Agarwal, Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer at Ashok Leyland.
The vehicles will be delivered over the next 12 months to meet the requirements of the Indian Army, the company said.
The FAT 4x4 and GTV 6x6 are specialised vehicles employed by the artillery for towing light and medium guns, respectively, according to the company.
"Ashok Leyland's dependable mobility solutions have consistently remained a formidable asset within the defense sector, catering to the diverse needs of personnel and logistics across the armed forces," said Amandeep Singh, President for Defence Business at Ashok Leyland.
Ashok Leyland has invested in development of mobility platforms ranging from 4x4, 6x6, 8x8, 10x10 & 12x12 for various applications and operational requirements of the Indian Armed Forces, he stated.
These platforms are indigenously designed, developed and manufactured by Ashok Leyland and contribute significantly towards import substitution, according to the company.
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