New Delhi: NTPC Singrauli team emerged as the winners of the National Finale of 'NTPC Vigilance Quiz 2019' held at NTPC Dadri. The team from DBF and Hydro region (NTPC Dadri) emerged as the first runner up, while the team from Corporate Centre grabbed the 2nd runner up position.
In the quiz, the teams from NTPC Lara (Western Region-II), NTPC Singrauli (Northern Region), two teams from NTPC Dadri and NTPC Faridabad (DBF & Hydro Region) and two teams from Corporate Centre have participated. 'NTPC Vigilance Quiz 2019' has been organised by NTPC prior to the vigilance awareness week 2019, which will start from October 28 to November 2. The vigilance awareness week is observed annually to promote integrity, transparency and accountability in everyday life. The NTPC vigilance quiz 2019 covered questions on aspects of vigilance and general studies which were appreciated by the participants.
The vigilance awareness week is observed every year to encourage stakeholders to collectively participate in the prevention of and fight against corruption
"The top three teams won the prize money of Rs 10,000, Rs 8,000 and Rs 6,000 respectively along with certificates. NTPC's Head (Corporate Communication) KM Prashanth conducted the quiz with questions ranging from varied areas of vigilance and general studies which were appreciated by the participants," the company said. The vigilance awareness week is observed every year to encourage stakeholders to collectively participate in the prevention of and fight against corruption.