RSP’s Central Power Training Institute maintains category–I

RSP’s Central Power Training Institute is continues to retains its Category –I certification issued by Central Electricity Authority
RSP’s Central Power Training Institute maintains category–I
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New Delhi: SAIL's Raurkela Steel Plant's Central Power Training Institute (CPTI) continues to retain its category – I certification. Category – I certification is the highest recognition as issued by the Central Electricity Authority (CEA), on the approval of Economic Advisor, Ministry of Power.

The process for certification

The assessment was done in the month of February when a team of CEA officers from Ministry of Power, visited CPTI to assess the requisite facilities in the training institute for meeting the requirements for recognition as per CEA regulation 2010 and as per guideline for recognition of training institutes for power sector. It was found to fulfil the mandatory requirements and in terms of institutional facilities, organisation, staffing, training methodology including on-job-training facilities and instructional capabilities. The re-certification is valid for 4 years from December 1, 2018, to November 30, 2022.

Central Power Training Institute

SAIL has established its own CPTI at RSP Rourkela. The Institute has a full scope replica simulator for 60 MW coal fire unit and an Area Operator Training Simulator (AOTS). This is the first indigenous simulator and the only one in the non-utility sector. The institute has an 80 seat capacity auditorium, lecture halls, a well-stocked library, a model room and a large foyer. Latest audio-visual and reprographic aids have also been provided.

CPTI possesses a high fidelity real-time DCS/HMI based operator training Replica Simulator (Thermal) with the 60 MW, 250 & 18 MW models for providing hands-on training to power plant personnel. Apart from simulator-based training programmes, refresher programmes on operation and maintenance of powerplants and powerplant equipment, seminars and performance improvement workshops in the areas Power & Steel, managerial programmes are also being conducted by CPTI.


CPTI was established in October 1993 at a cost of Rs 12.4 crores as a corporate training institute to provide specialized training to power plant personnel not only of SAIL units but also of other power plants in India. It was accorded the highest recognition of being a category – I institute by CEA empowering it to train thermal power plants personnel for the first time in the year 1996 and thereafter renewal of recognition was approved in subsequent intervals.

In another event, RSP was recommended to get CE certification for new plate mill recently.

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