New Delhi: On the occasion, RINL's CMD PK Rath said, "Hindi is a very vibrant language and is a conduit for social emotions. The 'Hindi' language has the ability to assimilate words from all other languages of the country" in his message given on the occasion of National Hindi Day Celebrations. RINL's Director (Projects) KK Ghosh released this message in the National Level Hindi webinar organised by RINL-VSP on 'Role of Hindi as a Link Language in India' on the occasion of National Hindi Day celebrations.
This webinar was attended by RINL's GM (Rajbhasha) & Admn (I/c) Lalan Kumar and the Hindi coordinators, employees at regional and branch offices, members of TOLIC organisations while Dr S Krishna Babu, Retd. AGM (Hindi), RINL was the guest speaker.
Read also: 'Hindi Pakhwada' is being observed in IREDA
The month-long Hindi programs and competitions are being organised at RINL during Hindi Month celebrations by maintaining pandemic guidelines. RINL got the first prize of Rajbhasha Keerti Puraskar for effective implementation of Hindi for the year 2019-20 which will be given in the function to be organised later at New Delhi. CMD and other Directors congratulated RINL collective for taking active participation in the usage of Hindi and instrumental in getting national recognition.
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