At Indian Oil, officers’ association warns of protest, workers threaten strike
At Indian Oil, officers’ association warns of protest, workers threaten strike

At Indian Oil, officers’ association warns of protest, workers threaten strike

At Indian Oil Corporation (IOC), both officers and workers are at odds with the management over a bunch of issues and have warned of a protest, strike in separate letters to the top brass

New Delhi: At Indian Oil Corporation (IOC), both officers and workers are at odds with the management over a bunch of issues and have warned of protest, strike in separate letters to the top brass if their demands are not met. According to two separate letters reviewed by PSU Watch, while the Indian Oil Officers’ Association (IOOA) has asked the management to meet its newly-elected core group to resolve issues pertaining to the finalisation of the promotion policy, implementation of pension scheme and compromises on safety standards due to inadequate manpower at IOC locations, the workers’ union has sought intervention from the IOC Chairman for non-settlement of allowances.

The IOOA has said that if the management fails to meet its elected representatives to resolve the issues raised by the association by February 18, it will have no choice but to protest. “… if management does not discuss the above issues with the elected CORE group or AICEC by 18th February 2023, IOOA shall have no option but to go ahead with a plan of protest as per provisions mentioned in clause 26 of IOOA constitution,” said the letter addressed to Director (HR) of Indian Oil.

Indian Oil workers’ unions seek settlement of allowances

The workers’ unions, on the other hand, have said in a letter dated February 15 that if their issues are not settled within a week’s time from the date of this notice, ie by February 22, all 21 recognised unions of Indian Oil refineries, pipelines and R&D centre will hold a one-day strike after March 15.

Promotion, appraisal, transfer policy on agenda for IOOA

A source who spoke to PSU Watch said that it is rare for the officers’ association to threaten protests. The IOOA has demanded finalisation of the promotion policy for grade A0 to A, A to A1 officers along with a proper career progression model up to grade C, which is pending since the introduction of grade A1 in 2019, implementation of a higher pension scheme in line with the Supreme court order to EPFO, immediate review of the appraisal system and the transfer policy, increased induction of female officers and working spouse and suitable compensation to officers performing rotating shift duty and extended work hours. The association has also flagged issues pertaining to compromise on safety standards/SOPs due to inadequate manpower at IOCL locations as a subject matter that it wants to discuss with the management.

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