IREDA conducts preventive health check-ups for all employees

The preventive health check-ups were aimed at fostering early detection of health concerns and fostering a culture of prioritizing fitness among its workforce
IREDA conducts preventive health check-ups for all employees
IREDA conducts preventive health check-ups for all employees

New Delhi: Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency Limited (IREDA) demonstrated its commitment to employee welfare through the organisation of a preventive health check-up camp at its corporate Office in New Delhi on Saturday. Inaugurated by Pradip Kumar Das, Chairman & Managing Director of IREDA, the camp marked a significant initiative aimed at fostering early detection of health concerns and fostering a culture of prioritizing fitness among its workforce.

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The camp saw enthusiastic participation from all levels of staff, including CMD and Director (Finance), underlining IREDA's inclusive approach to employee well-being. Contract, security, and housekeeping personnel were also encouraged to avail the benefits of the health camp, ensuring holistic coverage across the organisation.

CMD reiterated IREDA's steadfast commitment to its employees, recognising them as the company's most invaluable asset. He underscored the importance of maintaining physical and mental well-being, emphasizing that a healthy workforce is fundamental to achieving optimal performance and organizational success. This initiative reflects IREDA's holistic approach towards fostering a work environment that encourages both professional excellence and personal well-being.

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