Fake news has eroded people's faith in media: Dhankhar

Fake news has eroded people's faith in media: Dhankhar

New Delhi, Nov 16 (PTI) Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar on Thursday expressed concern over fake news, saying it has eroded the faith of the people in media.

He also said credibility is the biggest challenge the media is facing today.

Addressing a National Press Day event here, Dhankhar said it is the moral duty of the media to tell the truth 'and nothing but the truth'.

'In fact, it is the responsibility of everyone connected to the media -- be it journalists or owners of the newspapers and other forms of communication -- to be truthful,' he told the gathering.

Dhankhar said it is in the self-interest of the media to be credible and trustworthy.

He felt it was time media realises that their audience is turning away from them and described it as a 'hard reality, a writing on the wall'.

'This writing on the wall should be clear to all concerned that fake news, deliberately said wrong and mischievous information, political ambitions and preferences, tendency to play power brokers and monetary considerations have eroded the people's faith in the media,' the vice president said.

The expression 'fake news' has never been heard so loudly. It has never resonated in our ears that significantly with high decibel as it is these days, he observed.

'Credibility is the biggest challenge that the media is facing today. I put it as existential challenge to the media. It is surprising that this aspect is being blissfully ignored in some quarters,' he noted.

Recent technological advancements and innovations like artificial intelligence (AI) have presented unique challenges before the society, combined also with opportunities, Dhankhar said.

He said it was vital for us to understand the profound impact of AI upon the media landscape.

The advent of AI has transformed the way we receive and consume news, information and entertainment, he noted.

AI has become an integral part of our lives. This is compounded by disruptive technologies that are taking control of our system, he said.

'Media organisations and media professionals must be doubly careful and alert before disseminating any information. The ground reality today is indeed alarming and worrisome. The check takes place much after the damage has been done,' the vice president felt.

The role of editors, he noted, has become more challenging and important as they have to act as gatekeepers and remove any doctored and false information 'before it poisons the sea of information'. PTI NAB ZMN

Disclaimer: This story is auto-generated feed.

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