Panaji: Goa Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar, who is unwell, presented a revenue surplus state budget in josh on January 30 and took a sideswipe at his political opponents. Sitting on his chair in the state Assembly with a tube inserted into his nose, Parrikar, who is suffering from pancreatic ailment, said he is high in "spirit" and fully in his senses. The statement was a response to a jibe made by Goa Pradesh Congress Committee president Girish Chodankar earlier this week, who said, "Pehle hosh me aao, baad me josh ki baat karo (first come to your senses and then talk about josh)."
The remark had been made by the Congress as the Opposition claimed that the Goa government, led by BJP, had "collapsed," with the state's debt growing.
Replying to the Congress' claims, Parrikar said, "I am presenting the budget in josh. The josh that is too high, very high, and fully in hosh."
While presenting the budget, Parrikar began his speech saying, "I bow before my motherland, Goa and Goemkarponn (Goanness)," and thanked people for their "continuous blessings" to him.
"I will continue to serve the state till my last breath," he said.
The budget, which was tabled by the CM, has total gross budgetary expenditure, including power purchase of Rs 19,548.69 crores compared to Rs 17,123.98 crores for 2018-19, a 14.16 percent rise.
"Overall, for the year 2019-20, the annual financial statement indicates a revenue surplus since many years in succession. The revenue surplus is estimated at Rs 455.10 crore," he said.
The total estimated expenditure on revenue account is Rs 13,308.26 crore, said Parrikar, adding that the expenditure on capital account is Rs 4,987.45 crore.