Cabinet to soon decide on IPEF's clean, fair economy agreements Narendra Modi File Photo
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Cabinet to soon decide on IPEF's clean, fair economy agreements


New Delhi: The Union Cabinet will soon take a decision on the Commerce Ministry's proposal to seek approval for signing of 14-member IPEF (Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity) bloc's agreements on clean and fair economy, an official said.

Last month in Singapore, 13 IPEF bloc members signed these agreements, while India stated that it would ink the deals after getting domestic approval.

The official said the commerce ministry has sent both pacts to the cabinet secretariat and soon the cabinet will take it up for approval.

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Agreement on a clean economy intends to accelerate efforts of IPEF partners' towards energy security and transition, climate resilience and adaptation, GHG (greenhouse gas) emissions mitigation; find/develop innovative ways of reducing dependence on fossil fuel energy; promote technical cooperation, workforce development, capacity building, and research collaborations; and collaborate to facilitate development, access, and deployment of clean energy and climate-friendly technologies.

The agreement will facilitate investments, concessional financing, joint collaborative projects, workforce development and technical assistance.

Further, the agreement on fair economy intends to create a more transparent and predictable business environment which can spur greater trade and investment in the markets of member countries; enhance efforts to prevent and combat corruption by strengthening anti-corruption frameworks, support efforts to improve tax transparency and exchange of information for tax purposes between competent authorities.

The 14-member IPEF bloc was launched jointly by the US and other partner countries of the Indo-Pacific region on May 23, 2022, in Tokyo.

Together, they account for 40 percent of the world's economic output and 28 per cent of trade.

The framework is structured around four pillars relating to trade, supply chains, clean economy and fair economy. India has joined all the pillars except the trade.

Australia, Brunei Darussalam, Fiji, India, Indonesia, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Malaysia, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, the US, and Vietnam are members of the bloc.

On November 14, 2023, the IPEF concluded negotiations for a clean economy, fair economy, and the overarching agreement on the IPEF for Prosperity.

These two agreements will enter into force after at least five IPEF partners complete their internal legal procedures for ratification, acceptance or approval.

The block has already signed the agreement on supply chain in November 2023.

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