Secretary, Ministry of Steel conducts a review of activities undertaken by NMDC
Secretary, Ministry of Steel conducts a review of activities undertaken by NMDC file

Secretary Steel, conducts a review of activities undertaken by NMDC

Secretary, Ministry of Steel lauds the environmental responsibility and cleanliness initiatives undertaken by NMDC under Special Campaign 3.0

New Delhi: Nagendra Nath Sinha, Secretary, Ministry of Steel along with Abhijit Narendra, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Steel visited the regional office of NMDC Limited in Delhi on Tuesday. The purpose of the visit was to conduct a comprehensive review of the cleanliness activities undertaken by NMDC Limited as part of the Special Campaign 3.0, the official release by the Ministry of Steel said.

NMDC Limited has been actively participating in the Special Campaign 3.0

The visit by the Secretary, Ministry of Steel, was aimed at evaluating and assessing the progress of NMDC's ongoing cleanliness initiatives and their impact on the surrounding community and environment. NMDC Limited has been actively participating in the Special Campaign 3.0 which is a government-led program aimed at promoting cleanliness and environmental sustainability.

Nagendra Nath Sinha expressed his appreciation for NMDC's commitment to environmental responsibility and cleanliness. He also emphasized the importance of such initiatives in contributing to a cleaner and more sustainable India.

Abhijit Narendra, Joint Secretary Steel, also noted the significance of NMDC's efforts in aligning with the national vision for cleaner and greener surroundings, the official release said.

Secretary, Ministry of Steel conducts a review of activities undertaken by NMDC
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The visit concluded with a positive outlook for NMDC's ongoing efforts, with both Nagendra Nath Sinha and Abhijit Narendra expressing their encouragement and support.

NMDC Limited has consistently been at the forefront of environmental and social responsibility, and the company's involvement in the Special Campaign 3.0 underscores its dedication to these values. NMDC Limited also remains committed to its role as a responsible corporate citizen and is determined to continue contributing to the betterment of society and the environment, according to an official release by Ministry of Steel.

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